PEM Fuel Cell, Z- Source Inverter, Current Fed Switched Inverter, Grid-Connected Hybrid System.Abstract
A dynamic model of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell and hybrid design of Current-Fed Switched Inverter (CFSI) is proposed in this paper. To reduce the DC-link capacitor requirement, Current Source Inverter (CSI) is utilized instead of Voltage Source Inverter (VSI). CSI offers high reliability than VSI. The proposed converters apply to fuel cell power generation and it interfaces with single-phase grid. The high gain property of Z-Source Inverter (ZSI) and the low passive component of Switched Boost Inverter (SBI) are combined in the hybrid design of CFSI. This design achieves leading current control, maximum power generation of the fuel cell and high step-up capability of the inverter. Apart from the inverter structure, CFSI makes use of one LC filter with three switches. The proposed inverter system uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) based control strategy. The Distributed Maximum Power Point Tracking (DMPPT) system is used to obtain the maximum power from the source of the fuel cell.0 Using MATLAB/SIMULINK, the performance is analyzed using different topologies.
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