Wind energy system, MPC controller, boost converter, wind turbine, pitch angle and grid-connected systemAbstract
In recent years, the move to green energy systems for power generation has greatly increased, and Wind Energy Systems (WES) are among the most efficient natural resources. Various control techniques can be employed to improve the amount of power generation and control the system's inverter. This paper implements a new Model Predictive Controller (MPC) for the Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS), which is connected to the grid. The system has wind energy as its input, and its AC source is converted into DC by a rectifier. A boost converter is injected for a constant and boosted DC output voltage from the rectifier, which is then converted to an AC supply by an inverter, controlled by MPC, and then connected to the grid. The proposed system is designed and simulated using the MATLAB tool. The results are verified, and the control technique is very efficient, enhancing system stability for the power generation in WECS.
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