VoIP, MANET, Fuzzy Logic.Abstract
Voiceover Internet Protocol (VoIP) application is a vital technology that is quickly growing in the Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET). Packet loss is a factor that can significantly affect the Quality of Service (QoS) for VoIP performance. Due to the dynamic nature of MANET, it is a challenging task to maintain the desired packet loss rate. This paper aims to enhance the performance of VoIP in the MANET using a fuzzy logic model. The input for the model is VoIP packet loss and the outputs are the optimal parameters of MANET (node number, pause time, maximum speed, and maximum connection).Network Simulator (NS2) was used to perform all simulations. MATLAB was used to implement the proposed fuzzy model. Moreover, the performance of the model was evaluated using NS2, and the results show that our proposed fuzzy model offers a significant enhancement in terms of the VoIP packet loss rate (P.LR).
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