
  • Ajay Kumar Gupta
  • Rama Krishna K




Text localization system, text recognition system, scene image, bendlet transform, multi-directional.


In an automated text recognition system, one of the prerequisites is the localization of text.  It is a challenging task in scene image due to their background and non uniform size of characters in the images. In this study, an efficient text localization system using bendlet transform is presented. Among the various multi-resolution and multi-directional analysis, bendlet transform has superior property that they classify the curvature precisely. To achieve this property, it uses an addition parameter than shearlets called bending operator.  The system decomposes the scene images by bendlet transform and then reconstructs using the bands which contains only the edge information. Then, a series of post processing is applied to locate the text region in a scene image. Results show the robustness of the text localization system by successfully locating the text region in the scene images with different background and non-uniform text sizes.


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How to Cite

Ajay Kumar Gupta and R. K. K, “TEXT LOCALIZATION IN SCENE IMAGES BY BENDELET TRANSFORM ”, IJASIS, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 32–38, Dec. 2019, doi: 10.29284/ijasis.5.2.2019.32-38.
