Image segmentation, grayscale image, codebook, directional thresholding, misclassification error, Jaccard indexAbstract
The main aim of the image segmentation is to change the representation of the image so that the boundaries and objects in an image can be easily observed. In this study, a novel algorithm is proposed for the image segmentation using gray scale images. The codebook algorithm is used in the proposed approach for optimal multidirectional thresholding approach. The background and foreground pixel values are stored in the codebook. It uses standard deviations along the four directions to search the background and foreground pixels iteratively. The misclassification error and Jaccard index are used to measure the system efficiency. The mean of misclassification error is 95.80% with standard deviation of 1.91 and the mean of Jaccard index is 92.36% with standard deviation of 5.6. These measures shows the efficacy of the proposed system.
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