
  • Arul Prasanna M
  • Soundar Rajan P
  • Praveenraj G



Hysteresis controller, energy storage system, boost and bi-directional converter, RAPS


In this study, an efficient system is designed to maintain the Direct Current (DC) link voltage and improving voltage gain at remote side inverter using Hysteresis Controller (HC). The energy from wind is fed to the Remote Area Power Systems (RAPS). There is a need to control the changing frequency due to environmental changes in order to sustain the voltage at inverter side. It is achieved by the HC controller that provides control signals to inverter switches. The two-levels of Energy Storage System (ESS) are used as battery at source side and transformer at load side. The battery stores energy from the power converter stage through bi-directional converter where the energy flows in both forward and reverse direction. The frequency regulation based RAPS system is implemented using MATLAB/Simulink tool.


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How to Cite

A. P. M, S. R. . P, and P. . G, “ENERGY STORAGE IN BATTERY FOR REMOTE AREA USING WIND DFIG GENERATION ”, IJASIS, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 22–28, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.29284/ijasis.5.1.2019.22-28.
