Surface grading, ceramic tiles, VxC-TSG database, convolution neural networkAbstract
The surface grading of ceramic tiles is essential for ceramic tile industries due to the huge development of infrastructure and essential usage of ceramic tiles. In some industries, surface grading is performed manually. It is a difficult task due to a large number of variations in the surface properties. In this study, a technique for surface grading of ceramic using deep learning is presented. The system uses the VxC Tiles of Surface Grading (TSG) database for performance evaluation. The deep learning based Convolution Neural Network (CNN) is used for the surface grading approach that classifies the tiles into Grade-1 (G1), Grade-2 (G2) and Grade-3 (G3). The system uses seven layers in CNN, which includes convolution, pooling and fully connected layers. Initially, the input tile image is converted Red, Green and Blue (RGB) color channels, and then CNN approach is applied for the classification of tile images. Experimental results show the better classification accuracy of 96.17% for surface grading of ceramic tiles using a deep learning approach.
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VxC TSG Database:
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