
  • Herbert Raj P
  • Ravi Kumar P




Harris Hawk’s algorithm, wireless network, particle swarm optimization algorithm, coverage and connectivity, quality-of-service.


Wireless networks will develop as multi-hop transmission exploits among mobile nodes to communicate data packets. The unique features of wireless networks make it difficult for mobile nodes to communicate reliably. Most physical routing systems do not consider stable connections during packet transmission to manage high mobility and environmental impediments, which results in increased network latency and packet loss. This paper describes a Fusion of Harris Hawk's and Particle Swarm (HHPS) Optimization algorithms to improve performance in wireless networks. This mechanism uses Harris' hawk optimization (HHO) to select the better Group head (GH) by applying energy, link quality, and connectivity parameters. Then, the CH forms the groups based on the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. To simulate tests of HHPS performance, Network Simulator NS-3 is used. Comparing HHPS to the baseline technique, the routing performs better. Simulation findings demonstrate that the proposed HHPS mechanism increases connectivity and coverage based on iteration.


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How to Cite

Herbert Raj P and Ravi Kumar P, “FUSION OF HARRIS HAWK’S AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE IN WIRELESS NETWORK ”, IJASIS, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 20–28, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.29284/ijasis.9.1.2023.20-28.
