
  • Selvam Sambasivam
  • Merkeb Fitwei




Wind system, fuzzy logic, sliding mode, internet of things, grid system, adaptive control.


: The idea of employing an Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding (AFS)-operated matrix converter in a grid-connected Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) for controlling voltage and frequency, with additional support for grid monitoring provided by an Internet of Things (IoT) server. The matrix converter is a power electronic device that facilitates direct voltage and frequency conversion, allowing a variable-speed turbine generator to be connected to the power grid. Matrix converter reliability and efficiency are ensured by the AFS control method's use of adaptive control, fuzzy logic, and sliding mode control. The fundamental function of the control system is to stabilize and guarantee the quality of the electricity being sent from the wind turbine generator to the grid. This system's capabilities are expanded by monitoring the grid status through an IoT server, in addition to controlling voltage and frequency. The system's responsiveness to grid fluctuations, grid faults, and abnormal situations is dynamic due to the constant monitoring of grid status. The AFS control approach, in integration with data from the IoT server, enables adaptive control modifications that facilitate the WES's smooth incorporation into the grid, which in turn helps to preserve grid stability and improves system dependability.


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How to Cite

Selvam Sambasivam and Merkeb Fitwei, “VOLTAGE CONTROL OF WIND SYSTEM USING ADAPTIVE FUZZY SLIDING METHOD WITH IOT MONITORING”, IJASIS, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1–9, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.29284/ijasis.9.1.2023.1-9.
